Our Rules:

GOOD Thumbnail 140x140 Required!
Only ASIAN content!
NO gay, shemale, lolita, incest, rape, scat, bestiality and kiddyporn galleries.
NO banners / buttons which could be mistaken for content but lead to a sponsor.
NO popup or exit windows, NO gallery change after approval and listing.
NO trojans, dialers and redirects. Your account will be deleted and blacklsited.
The cleaner your galleries are, the higher are chances of getting listed.
Make sure you choose the right category. Description must be between 30 and 70 characters.
Don't capitalize all letters in your description.
Don't change your gallery page after submit!
You can submit maximum 1 gallery / day.
Maximum 7 outgoing links, including recip links.
Apply for trusted partner account here.
Place my reciprocal link on your gallery with other 2 MGP or TGP links.
Use our reciprocal link below. Do not modify it!

Hot XXX Asia
hot asian xxx pictures and movies

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Submit a Gallery
We are currently only accepting galleries from partners. You will not be able to submit a gallery unless you have a partner account.
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Must contain between 30 and 70 characters; 0 characters currently entered
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Picture Gallery: 140x140
Movie Gallery: 140x140